Kris Beaghton

Quality Assurance Administrator

Kris, originally from London and now based in Berlin, began working at Catalyst in November 2023 as a quality assurance administrator. In their role, they are responsible for organising student and staff feedback evaluations, ensuring compliance with partner university regulations regarding student assessment outcomes and coordinating resit and retake information for both degree and Master’s programmes.

Before joining Catalyst, Kris gained experience as a researcher in film and screen studies, with a focus on LGBTQI+ cultural history, feminist history, biography, and the history of media technology. This background in research strengthens their approach to maintaining quality assurance at Catalyst.

Kris’s favourite part of the role is being surrounded by creative individuals. Outside of work, they enjoy journaling, studying psychology, making music and listening to audiobooks and podcasts. Kris is excited by creativity in all its forms, finding inspiration in documentaries and various media.

Their life tip is simple: "Stay curious."