Self Development & Leadership Course Testimonials

Feedback from our course graduates

Our Self Development & Leadership Course magnifies the potential of everything you do

This course has been presented at more than 50 universities around the world under its official title of Being A Leader & The Effective Exercise of Leadership: An Ontological / Phenomenological Model. From artists to academics and from students to retirees, many people who have taken this course state simply, and without any grandeur, that it changed their life. Here's some of those testimonials;

"Innovative, creative, new, brilliant - a distillation of years of preparation" Fay A

"Absolutely incredibly executed which went against my initial reservations for doing it online, blown away... The course has helped me to have conversations with people that I either should have had years ago or has saved me from waiting even longer, I have gotten so much closer to all my important people through completing this course, has increased my confidence in my own abilities and in achieving my own goals both short term and longterm" Aimée LP

"Far more personally transformative than I had imagined" Hannah EJ

"The course allowed me to have more efficient working relationships" Alix W

"The course created a motivated framework that led me to shoot my biggest film yet, with less stress than making my smallest film. Thank you for giving me access! " Participant 2020

"I felt this course really lifted my potential to achieve both my career and artistic goals. This experience has set the standard for me in terms of online learning" Samaquias L

"The impact has been huge and even though the course is over, I feel as though I'm at the start of something" Rich MC

"Wow! The course has massively impacted my personal life, it’s been truly transformational!" Autumn LD

"I am no longer feeling the fear of judgement so much which in the past has held me back from making and sharing work. I still have times I fear judgement of my work but more and more I am able to discern into it and let it go." Participant 2020

"I feel grounded and able to take more thinking time over decision making" Charlotte M

"I feel freer to pursue creative endeavours without fear of overstepping my role, feeling out of my depth or inexperienced" Hannah EJ

"I don't love spending hours on Zoom but as a platform it works really well for creating a close-to classroom experience. I was able to feel connected to the participants and the leaders." Charlotte M

"The course has provided me with more confidence in myself around others" Adrian G

"Every human being especially the ones who practice more their creativity should do it at least once" Simon O

"I have experienced a substantial impact on my work/creative life. The concepts delivered in this course have completely reshaped my perspective towards how I approach, react and take action in the variety of fields I am involved with." Participant 2020

"The material throughout the course helped me immensely with some very difficult situations I was dealing with, many of which could have otherwise had a detrimental effect on my mental health if I wasn't practicing the concepts that were being imparted." Participant 2020

"I have a greater relationship with every family member" René P

"I experienced a noticeable difference in the confidence I felt with my work(thus creative) projects/life." Sarah B

"I feel more ‘in relationship’ with the people I love and care about. I have a greater degree of clarity within myself." Participant 2020

"It freed me to be stronger in my decisions" Shanice T

"I feel calmer and more objective." Sylvia