Studio sessions - live with Cecilie Sadolin

Singer, composer and Catalyst alumni Cecilie Sadolin kicks off season two of our Studio Sessions. Watch the performance and go behind the scenes.

Welcome to a whole new season. Not the crunchy leaves kind, but every bit as crisp and colourful. We’re talking about Studio Sessions season two! Continuing the momentum of season one‘s four incredible episodes, we’re kicking off the new school year early with something a little different: soul, strings and a pair of bare feet.

Singer, composer and Creative Audio Production & Sound Engineering Bachelor alumnus Cecilie Sadolin performs two tracks from her experimental debut album Pseudo Random (released late last year by RecordJet), together with some fantasic local string musicians. Is it mere coincidence that her surname rhymes with violin? We think not.

Watch Cecilie’s dazzling performance of ‘Slip Away’ and ‘Tapestry’ below and scroll down to find out about her inspiring creative journey in our behind-the-scenes interview.

Performing live

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German music magazine Haiangriff described the album as a “tribute to the raw and abstract musical borderland.”

SoundChecker.Koeln placed the “Danish Dynamite”‘s vocals somewhere between Björk and Alanis Morisette, while Soundhelden wrote, “You will be taken by Cecilie into a strange, imaginative world.” The album features the extraordinary sounds of popular Danish string group Who Killed Bambi. Following a successful and tightly packed showcase at Denmark’s super-renowned SPOT Festival, we think the label-evading songstress is about to blow up. You heard it here first!

Behind the scenes

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Pseudo Random Cecilie's debut album

Cecilie Sadolin’s debut album, Psuedo Random is now available to order. Follow her on Facebook, Instagram,Twitter, Vimeo and her website. Side note: The metallic blue face paint and foxy sidekick of the artwork couldn’t be more fitting.

Order here
Meet the sound engineer

Go behind the scenes of this Studio Sessions performance to meet the Creative Audio Production & Sound Engineering student who recorded the audio: Thorir Davidsson

Watch now